10 Angel Tattoo Design Ideas with Meaning

Angel tattoos have been some of the most popular and successful veterans of the inking industry for centuries. Angels whether fallen, dark or light have a certain aura that just draws you to them. The celestial beings are the messengers of the supreme deities and have always appealed to the human imagination. Almost everyone reading this has desired a visitation by an angel in real life. As angel tattoos continue to gain popularity the possibility of having your own guardian angel never seemed more realistic.

Light or dark?

Angels might be about holiness and stuff but there are badass dark and fallen angels too and they draw quite the crowd of followers. These dark and mysterious creatures are less perfect and therefore closer to our sinful ways.

Female angels

Angels in the feminine form are more preferred for their beauty. Men often liken their female partners and daughters to angels to signify the purity and being a gift from God. Women are also considered messengers and keepers of love just as angels are messengers and defenders of the truth. Both women and angels represent beauty, purity and delicacy.

Baby angels

We cannot fail to highlight this whole category of angel tattoos that seems to be more popular than any other kind. An angel in the form of a baby with wings; some call it the cupid, a god of love and in the Bible it is referred to as a Cherub. They have special meanings from the usual angel tattoo wherever they are used in paintings, sculptures and even tattoos.

Here are some cool angel tattoos that might spur your imagination a little and perhaps even present you the angel tattoo you have always dreamt of having. Your very own guardian angel!

1. Baby (Cherub) Angel

This is a tattoo that depicts a baby angel which is a biblical creation of a celestial baby. It is arguably one of the coolest most impactful angel tattoos to ink with the innocence and love aura of the little cupid. The cherubs intercede for us and therefore are visualized as the connection between heaven and earth. Looks like this Cherub is playing rather than praying but that’s just a curious addition to the story. The bottom line is that this baby angel may be the answer to your wildest dreams.

Angel Tattoo Designs

2. Woman Angel

This second piece shows a woman angel flaunting her wings and hair as she takes on the wind. It seems as though she is enjoying her newly found freedom. The story behind this tattoo could either be a very romantic or tragic. Angel tattoos have been insanely popular for hundreds of years as they offer tangible connection to the spiritual and supernatural. Men love their women and see them as messengers and keepers of love which are also gifts from God.

Angel Tattoo Designs

3. Cupid Artist

This tattoo is of two levels with a cupid also shown actively tattooing the subject. The letter H has to be the initial of the lover because we all know what cupids are for. A cupid symbolizes erotic love relationships and is supposed to help one find their soul mate. This tiny Roman god is celestial and can walk on stars of course. This is a decorative and meaningful tatoo and the shoulder placement is great even though we can think of a couple of better areas to have the same tattoo.

Angel Tattoo Designs

4. Fallen Angel

This is a sexy grey and black depiction of a fallen angel on her knees looking up as if begging for mercy. We all have heard about the story of fallen angels such as the devil himself. These were angels that joined in his rebellion in the silver city and were kicked out alongside him. So much for self-actuation and free will! Even if you don’t know the story, you can at the very least appreciate the beauty and spiritual significance of this mind blowing fallen angel tattoo.

Angel Tattoo Designs

5. Cupid Tattoo

A cupid is a childlike figure with a halo and wings which represents a cupid in Roman mythology or a biblical cherub or a decorative putto or just angel in general. All these are except the decoration are supernatural beings in general. In roman mythology Cupido is the god of erotic love equal to the Greek god Eros. The cupid is also called Amor in Latin and has evolved to be a holiday symbol for Valentine’s Day and emotions of love. On a sad note though, the cupid can also represent the loss of a child to death.

Angel Tattoo Designs

6. Female Warrior Guardian Angel

A female warrior angel looks so damn sexy on any back male or female. If you have been praying for healing, strength and protection from evil that walks the earth then this might be the answer to your prayers. This is a really hot and comfortable angel tattoo design of an angel who will always fight for you and your salvation. A charming female guardian angel is a cool concept as long as your artist of choice can totally make this happen.

Angel Tattoo Designs

7. Pencil Sketch Fairy Tattoo

Next we have a unique faerie tattoo design that is made to look like a pencil sketch with other little fairy butterfly things surrounding. The result is an imaginative water color tattoo depicting an inspiring fairy story that is simply next generation. The black work is perfect for what a ketch is worth but the water color shading on the wings seems a little off the mark which an intentional twist. Also one of the wings is mostly mangled so this fairy seems incomplete and somewhat in distress.

Angel Tattoo Designs

8. Remember You Will Die

This full back angel tattoo is an intricate piece of art with a clear message about our humanness. The quote Memento Hominen Te esse loosely translates to “Look behind you, remember you are but a man, remember you will die!” It is no doubt an artistic and symbolic reminder of death which is a message that developed with the growth of early Christianity. it emphasized the sloga Hominem te memento which is “Look after you” (the afterlife)for the salvation of souls and eternal life.

Angel Tattoo Designs

9. Silvano Fiato Tattoo Angel

With his realist approach that he is best known for, the great Silvano really hit a critical point in angel tattooing. Giant angel baby or cupid towers over a dark feminine angel and birds in the background. This realistic black depiction of an Angel scene motif is one that will earn you points in your group and one that will age gracefully. Silvano is popular for other pieces such as the custom graveyard angel tattoo. You can rest assured in the hand of this maestro to look good and feel better in angel ink.

Angel Tattoo Designs

10. Skinny Angel For Men

This shows a slim angel naked on a man’s sleeve and shoulder all the way to the right chest above the nipple. This tattoo accents the body and muscular structure of the man. The female figure that is the angelic being seems terrified or cold clinging onto some flowers to cover her nakedness. This tattoo is sexier on male subjects and will likely be looking good for years to come. A large and impactful ink, this image will take some time to replicate.

Angel Tattoo Designs


Angel Tattoo Design Ideas